First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
We Are Glad You Found Us!
First Christian Church would like you to know that we look forward
to what you can become in Christ!
We are a praying and believing church, who loves the people who walk through
the doors to be a part of this family of faith.
We are not perfect, but we have the forgiveness promised to us by God and
the grace given by Jesus Christ to start again - as many times as it takes to be
the best person that we can be. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we
are confident that you will feel a sense of belonging, a sense of “coming
home” and that you will feel loved and welcome.
We at First Christian Church are committed to providing worship
and mission help for the people of our community.
Come try us out!
You will be glad you did!
Discover the Disciples!
Copyright © 2017 First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand